U9 Softball 2024 (Lucan-Ilderton Baseball)

PrintU9 Softball 2024
U9 Softball League Rules - updated June 2024

Offense and Defense:
1. There are no defensive coaches on the field – Except: There may be one defensive coach positioned behind the catcher to throw any missed balls by the catcher back to the pitcher. This is an optional rule for coaches and is meant to simply speed up the pace of the game.
2. Pitchers must wear a face mask.
3. *A batter that is hit by a pitch has the option of taking first base or continuing to hit*
4. No base stealing (ball must be hit to run).
5. There are no walks allowed and this applies to league play and playoff tournament.
6. A batter can not run on his or her third strike.
7. Pitching will be a combination of player and coach pitch.  
• The first 3 pitches thrown by defensive pitcher. 
If after the first 3 pitches there is no hit, the offensive coach will come onto the field to throw 3 more pitches. 
If at the end of 6 pitches, the batter has still not put the ball into play (except for a foul ball), the batter is out
• The umpire will still continue to call balls and strikes, but the batter will receive up to 6 pitches regardless of the count.

8. There are no home runs, 2 bases only are allowed per play.
9. No pitcher can pitch more than 2 consecutive innings.
10. The minimum number of players needed to start a game is six (6) players on each team. Coaches may use four (4) outfielders while on defence.
11. If one team shows up to the park with six (6), seven (7), or eight (8) players and the other team has ten (10), eleven (11) or twelve (12) players then the coaches, if agreed upon, can even out the teams by lending a few players to the team that is short on players. *This is not required by either coach/team. It is completely optional and MUST be agreed upon by both coaches/teams.
12. When there are (2) outs and the player that will be the catcher for the next half inning defensively is on base, the last out will be substituted to run so that the catcher can get their gear on. In short, two out catcher rule.

● A minimum of one (1) umpire is required to play a game. However, if an umpire does not attend for any reason and a parent(s) is willing to umpire the game and it is agreed between both coaches then that game shall proceed with the parent(s) as the umpire(s).
● A parent may be used as a second umpire if agreed upon between the coaches and the umpire presiding over the game.
● No certification is required to umpire at this level.

General Game Rules:
● NO base stealing.
● NO advancing on wild pitches and/or passed balls.
● NO infield fly rule.
● There is NO bunting at the U9 age level. A full swing is required for a legal hit.
● If the ball is put in play, no matter where the ball is hit or how much the defensive players throw the ball around the diamond, the batter and/or any base runners may only advance two (2) bases maximum anytime the ball is put in play.
● Sliding is allowed at second base, third base and home plate. Sliding of any kind will NOT be permitted at first base. If a player slides into first base, then that will result in an automatic out for the player that slid into first base.
● Game time will be 1 hour and 15 minutes.
● *No new inning is to start after the sixty-five (65) minute mark.
● Rain out games will not be made up/ rescheduled.
● Each half inning will consist of either (3) outs or (5) runs by the offensive team. Whichever comes first.
● Players arriving late to the game can be added to the bottom of the batting order without penalty.

Field Dimensions/Equipment:
● Bases are forty-five (45) feet apart.
● The pitching mound is thirty (30) feet from home plate.
● Balls being used are 11” red dots
● The HOME team for each game will supply the game balls. Meaning one (1) brand new game ball and one (1) gently used practice ball or previously used game ball.
● All batters must wear a batting helmet with a face mask while warming up in the on deck circle, on the filed batting and/or while on the bases.
● All players at the position of catcher must wear appropriate catchers gear.