Baseball Umpire Certification Information:
Lucan Ilderton Minor Baseball Association is hosting a Level 1/2 Umpire Camp in the gym at the Lucan Community Memorial Centre on Sunday, April 27th, 2025. Check-in will begin at 8:30AM and the camp will run from 9:00AM to 1:00PM.
Clinic registration is available through your OnDeck profile. Please make sure you select the correct level when registering in order to open the appropriate e-learning courses. Find and enroll for our clinic under In-Person Umpire Camp (located below the modules).
Payment can be made by filling out the form
HERE. You will be directed to the SportsPay payment page to pay by credit card. Exact cash also accepted the day of the clinic.
2025 Registration Fees:
Level 1 - $30
Level 2 - $50
If you are NEW this year, you will need to create an OnDeck profile at the link below:
If you are a NEW or RETURNING LIMBA umpire this season and haven't registered to be contacted by our Umpire In Chief, please do so at the link below:
More information is available at: