2015 Major Rookie Season, News, Major Rookie Yellow - Playford/Salters, 9U, 2015 Season (Lucan-Ilderton Baseball)

This Team is part of the 2015 Season season, which is not set as the current season.
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Apr 24, 2015 | Sean Willis | 1697 views
2015 Major Rookie Season
Welcome to the 2015 Major Rookie Ball season!

Coaches and players have been assigned to teams so it is time to get the ball rolling.

This year will have 3 Lucan-Ilderton Major Rookie house league teams, 1 from Lucan and 2 from Ilderton, that will be playing in the Bermuda Triangle League (http://www.eteamz.com/bermudatrianglerookieball/) based out of London.  Using last year as an example, our season will likely begin either the week before or week after the May long weekend and include approximately 14 regular season games and finish with a year end tournament after the Civic long weekend in August.  Home games will be played on Tuesdays for Lucan and Thursday or Friday for Ilderton.  Away games are at Oakridge and North London ball diamonds.  Practice schedules will be sent out by your coaches.  Once the season schedule has been determined and set by the convenor in London, it will be posted and sent out to you by your coach.
An important date to book into your calendar:
Saturday June 13, Annual Hit, Run and Throw event for all teams, Heritage Park in Ilderton 8am - 11am, details to follow 
Major Rookie photos for both Lucan and Ilderton teams will take place on this date, more details to follow.
A few house keeping things regarding uniforms and equipment.
The Lucan-Ilderton Baseball Association will provide each team with an equipment bag with balls, catching equipment and helmets for pitchers.  Each child or family, if they do not already own one, is expected to purchase their own batting helmet for use during the season.  Home Run Sports in London offers a 10% discount when you purchase equipment through them when you mention that you are apart of Lucan-Ilderton Minor Baseball.  We also strongly encourage all kids to purchase a bat for their use during the season.  Each child should also have their own ball glove.
A ball hat and team jersey will be provided by the organization for your kids to keep.  As part of the uniform, we ask that parents please purchase grey baseball pants and a navy blue belt and socks to complete the uniform.  We have linked with Pete's sports to supply these for us. 
It is mandatory that all players are dressed with the appropriate protective equipment.  For boys, this means a protective cup and for girls, a Jill cup.  We play with a hard ball and some of the kids can hit the ball very hard.  It would be unfortunate for one of our kids to sustain a preventable injury.
For footwear, ball cleats or running shoes will suffice.
I think this covers everything.  Your coaches should be in contact with you soon.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thanks and have a great ball season.
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