Apr 22, 2016 | chrisd | 1984 views
Major Mosquito Rep Team Selection
Major Mosquito Rep Team Final Selection.
I would like to thank all the kids that came out to this years try-out for Major Mosquito Rep. It was a great time with all the kids having a lot of fun and working very hard. Everybody gave their best effort and made the selection process very hard for the coach and selection committee. It is through your continued support and registration that Lucan - ilderton Minor Baseball has become a thriving association. In a perfect world 12 kids would show up and 12 kids would make the team. Hopefully all the kids had fun and did not put to much pressure on themselves. For those not selected please do not be upset because whether you play in the competitive league or the Bermuda Triangle league they are both amazing and a lot of fun to play in and you are all great baseball palyers.
Below are the 12 boys selected to play competitive this year:
Nicholas Bannister
Noah Bernard
Ben Campbell
Jack Coleman
Lucas Dixon
Kieran Durand
Matthew Jenken
Nicolas Martin
Cole McIntyre
Noah Nelson
Dylan Schweitzer
Lucas Lattanzio
Please keep checking the website for further information in regards to game times, practice times, tournaments, etc.
Chris Dixon.