Apr 27, 2017 | Chad Papple | 1826 views
Major Rookie Rep - Final Team Roster 2017
On behalf of myself and the Lucan-Ilderton Selection Committee, I would like to thank each and every player for attending the Rep try-outs and putting forth their best effort each night. It was an extremely difficult decision in selecting the final roster for this years team.
Below is the final roster that will make up this years Major Rookie Rep Team:
Ryan Broughton
Ethan Elliott
Will Harding
Ryder Migchels
Keaton Papple
Dylan Salter
Dylan Sheaves
Nathan Slaght
Lucas Van Steensel
Ryan Walkom
Andrew Willis
William Wright
Congratulations and welcome to the team. We will have our first team practice this Sunday April 30 at 5pm at the Lucan Arena (indoors on the arena floor), followed by a parents meeting at 6:15. Please ensure that at least one parent for each child attends this meeting.
If your name is NOT on the list above, you will be contacted in the near future with further information about your team and future practices. I would like to wish everyone on all teams an enjoyable and successful year on the ball field.
Best of luck to everyone !!!
Chad Papple
Coach - Major Rookie Rep