Jul 24, 2018 | Leighton Lambercy | 975 views
Rookie Ball Tournament
Hello Blue Thunder!
Sorry that our last game was flooded out. I was really looking forward to playing our last regular season game with you kids tonight.
Now it is onto the Tournament. The excel spreadsheet looks complicated, so I will break it down for everyone.
Our first game in the Tournament will be on Friday 27 July at 6:00 pm at the Hazelden field. This is located on Hyde Park road just south of Valetta Street. It will be on the right side (southbound) You cannot miss it.
If we win this game we will play Saturday 28 July at 1:00pm
If we lose this game we will play Saturday 28 July at 11:00am
These Games will also be at Hazelden
Colby will not be at our games played on Saturday so Friday night will be our Wrap up night for the team.
I have gotten baseballs for everyone and Markers so on Friday I would like to take some time at the end of the game to have everyone sign each other's Baseball as a small token for the great season we have played.
Thanks all and see you on Friday.