Sep 24, 2019 | Rob Cascaden | 940 views
Peewee U13 Tryouts
Peewee U13 Rep Tryouts
Thank you to everyone for making it out to our association's first fall tryout. All the boys represented themselves well. Listed below are the group of players we wish to attend our 4th and final tryout. The final roster will be listed after the final tryout. More information will be forwarded in regards to the Select team once the Rep tryouts are completed.
Nathan Reid
Thomas Janes
Liam McQueen
Blake Dove
Noah Jenken
Jack Boersma
Mason Schram
Kaden Armitage
Liam Ladds
Zander Pino
Owen Schuller
Dylan Salter
Aaron Gibson
Dylan Sheeves
Andrew Willis
Keaton Papple
Ben Siroen
Luke Robson
Logan Gianelli
Ryan Walkom